Социология: методическая помощь студентам и аспирантам

Литература на иностранном языке

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1 Encyclopedia of Sociology. Second Edition (5) Социология 3386
2 Encyclopedia of Sociology. Second Edition (4) Социология 2337
3 Encyclopedia of Sociology. Second Edition (3) Социология 2410
4 Encyclopedia of Sociology Second Edition (2) Социология 2245
5 Encyclopedia of Sociology Second Edition (1) Социология 2472
6 When Money Dies: The Nightmare of the Weimar Collapse by ADAM FERGUSSON Социология 2731
7 An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Data Analysis. Michael W. Trosset Социология 2342
8 Making Sense of Marketing Data D.V.L. SMITH & J.H. FLETCHER Социология 2283
9 Sociology and Modern Social Problems Социология 2752
10 John Locke’s Politics of Moral Consensus GREG FORSTER The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Социология 2107
11 I.P. Popova The Influence of Supplementary Professional Education on the Position of Workers of Various Social and Professional Groups Социология 2775
12 Mansurov, Valeriy A., Yurchenko O. The Anglo-American and Russian Sociology of Professions: Comparisons and Perspectives Социология 2959
13 Mansurov, Valeriy A., Yurchenko O. The Dynamics of Status and Professional Values of Russian Doctors at the Time of Health Care Reforms Социология 2413
14 Mukhanova, Maria N. The Dynamics of Socio-professional Structure of the Russian Village Социология 2475
15 Professionals in a cold climate: responses to economic transformation in Russia. Sarah Ashwin and Irina Popova Социология 2348
16 Irina Popova. Autonomy at work as a feature of flexible employment Социология 2888
17 Concerns and aspirations for qualitative research in the new millennium Социология 2496
18 7th-10th September 2011 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association «Social Relations in Turbulent Times», University of Geneva. Социология 3075
19 Michael Burawoy (Текст по кейс стади на английском языке) Социология 8657
20 ОТЧЕТ ПО НАУЧНОЙ РАБОТЕ ЗА 2009 ГОД Социология 166514
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